Pointing site via PointDNS
Why PointDNS ?
By Default Heroku supports CNAME records only. CNAME record does not require hard-coded IP addresses and allows Heroku to manage the set of IPs associated with your domain. However, CNAME records are not available at the zone apex and can’t be used to configure root domains
Heroku doesn’t support DNS A-records and does not provide hard-coded IP addresses which are required for A-records DNS. This prevents your infrastructure provider from assigning your app a new IP address on your behalf when adverse conditions arise and can have a serious impact on your app’s uptime.
PointDNS add-on provide us the facility to add A-records DNS on Heroku app
Step 1
Export Zone records from DNS panel (just for reference) : In Godaddy we have the option to export Zone records for unix / windows , export in either way so that we can save it for case if we need to revert those records.
Step 2
Add domain to be pointed to production app via CLI
run heroku login
add heroku details
run `heroku domains:add sitename -a productionappname`
run `heroku domains -a productionappname` to verify
Step 3
Add ‘PointDNS’ add on heroku in production APP, when you click on pointDNS this will automatically start showing sitename added on step 2(c).
Step 4
Add all the records from domain name registrar to pointDNS , there are some record which needs be entered in different format , so read the placeholder test carefully in pointdns.
Step 5
Just to make sure ,compare the added records on pointdns with exported file in step 1.
Step 6
Update the NS on domain name registrar , replace originals NS by pointDNS NS.
PS: there are generally 3-4 NS provided by pointdns , as some service only accept 2 so make sure to add top records like
dns14.pointhq.com(optional in case only 2 are required)
dns8.pointhq.com(optional in case only 2 are required)
Step 7
When a domain is newly registered, or the nameservers are changed, or DNS changes are made, you can expect a propagation time up to 24 hours. This is because it takes time for the DNS to take effect across the internet. The actual time of propagation may vary in some locations based on your network setup. Generally it would take 2-3 hours.
Step 8
Verify on visiting pointDNS addons & clicking a dot next to domain name, this will recheck the NS and if the status becomes green then everything went well while pointing , but remember this will test the NS not all the records so that we have to verify from client.
Step 9
Check the status on DNS checker , this will provide all the latest zone records except CNAME.
Step 10
If the above url is showing pointDNS NS , then you have successfully updated the NS & rest records like MX can be confirmed from client as there email should work in same as was working before.
If this doesn't succeed we can revert the NS on domain name registrar just by importing the records that were exported in step 1 & look into the possible error that we may have made during the process.so the possible issues can be :
Adding wrong Zone records
Services may be down on heroku end
Taking more time than expected while updating NS records
PS:While making changes in NS , please check domain forwarding , masking or SSL ,If SSL is already implemented on domain , then it must be uploaded & verified on the app or site where we are pointing the website to.
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