While Sharing the url via social fb , twitter , linkedin etc , sometime we face the issue of old version of image/content. This mostly happens with LinkedIn ;) If you share an older post or page it will grab the Open Graph tags to display the image and meta information. The problem is LinkedIn probably has your old tags cached on its system. So you need a way to refresh it. To fix this you simply need to add a query string to the end of the URL. For example, I changed the following: https://svikramjeet.blogspot.in to https://svikramjeet.blogspot.in/?ref=home It doesn’t matter what it is, and in fact the URL above will still work. This will then update the post information as LinkedIn can’t cache query strings. You can in fact then actually remove the query string, leaving your original URL, as LinkedIn will then have the up to date Open Graph tags. You can see below the new information that was now pulled from the same URL. And that’s it! You have now cleared LinkedIn cach...